Diamond Certificate
What is a Diamond Certificate?
A diamond certificate is a comprehensive document that details various diamond characteristics such as colour grade, carat weight, cut grade, and clarity grade. Purchasing a diamond without a diamond certificate or a jeweller’s authenticity certificate that discloses the diamond’s value is therefore not a sensible idea.
Certified Diamonds
Certified Diamonds are diamonds that have been graded by a reputable gem laboratory. They are graded based on their “4 C” attributes. These attributes include cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. In order to ensure that you are getting a high-quality stone, it’s always recommended to purchase certified diamonds. Certified diamonds all have a diamond certificate, a document that describes in detail all of the most important features of the stone. A certified diamond will always have a third-party verification of their quality. This verification comes from trained gemologists who know the ins and outs of a diamond and are trained to assign it accurate grades.
Why is Diamond Certification important?
There are three major reasons why diamond certificates are so essential. To begin with, a diamond certification verifies that the stone has been inspected and proven to be natural. Second, diamond quality is demonstrated by reliable diamond certifications (more on that below). Finally, diamond certificates help to level the playing field between a diamond buyer and a diamond seller.
Is a diamond without certification fake?
Not all diamonds are accompanied with a certificate. As a result, just because a diamond lacks a certificate does not mean it is a fake. A diamond certificate, on the other hand, does guarantee that a diamond is natural!
Is a diamond without a certification worth less?
A diamond certificate will not improve the quality of your stone in any way. In theory, a diamond certificate should not affect the value of a stone. However, in the real world, where we live, not having a diamond certificate can be detrimental.
There is no unbiased confirmation of your diamond’s quality without certification. This makes it difficult to resell, loan against, or replace your stone in the event of loss. As a result, purchasers, investors, and insurers place a lower value on diamonds that lack certifications. One of the most expensive and emotional purchases you’ll ever make is a diamond engagement ring. Choosing a stone with a diamond certificate ensures that your investment is protected!