Do you require certification for your gemstones? At Trivandrum Gem Testing Lab we provide an expert solution that you can trust. By using our service, you can rest assured that the gemstone of your choice will be certified to internationally accepted standards by competent gemologists. We work hard to give diamond buyers and sellers the peace of mind they require while transacting on the market.

Trivandrum Gem Testing Lab

As industry experts, we strive to maintain objectivity and independence. Our goal is to ensure that both buyers and sellers of gemstones on the market can benefit from our services. With our solution, we can assure that acquiring a gemstone is a quick and painless experience.

When buying a gemstone, it’s usual for a buyer to want to be sure the stone is genuine. To ensure that this is the case, our solution is the best alternative. We can also provide this service to current gemstone owners to ensure that you have additional information about the stones you currently hold.